It is utterly horrible. These people the way they teach it seems like they don't even want to be there. They review 1 day out of the whole week and leave you in the darkness to study on your own in class. Not only that they give you endless amounts of paper work of medical topics that won't even benefit you on the examination ( If it does very little from the information you copied down from those pages). Pages of medical notes that you need to copy down into your notebook word by word. The school does not have enough money to provide you with a piece of computer paper, but they do have copy centers within the school that will gladly charge money for sets of notes. Not only that, but half of the time when you have to go to class some of the teachers don't even show up and don't notify you that they won't be there. Usually this wouldn't occur for the main classes like anatomy, biochemistry etc. Other issues if you are absent from a lab ( another way of saying a class like anatomy or biochemistry typically 3 hrs ) if you don't go to that class within that week with some other group you are expected to pay 24 Euros for wasting the teachers time. In other words even if you paid your tuition your required to pay if you are absent unless you have a medical note. Medical note or money no other reason will save you. Talking about money moving on to tests. Roughly there are 2 tests per semester per class. After those 2 tests is the final examination. Let's say you failed a test. Upon retake you need to have a payment slip for 24 EUROS in order to retake the test because you essentially wasted the teachers time the first time. Some classes are 2 hrs so 8 euros per hr. Another problem under Anatomy there is embryology. Embryology is something you have 2 classes in a semester. If you were absent for the embryology test and had a valid reason such as a medical note it is deemed as a try. Than you have only 1 chance left. If you fail that time you can no longer take the test and the next time you can retake your test is in June. When you have all your second semester examinations and in a way setting you up for failure to failed one or more examinations. On top of that since you didn't pass that Embryology test you are automatically deemed ineligible to take the 1st semester Anatomy exam. and you have to take that test in the summer as well in June.
Racism / Bribes / Class Issues :
The head of the Anatomy department know to take 1,000 Euro bribes. He will pass you for the entire years exams and tests if you give him that money. Doesn't take the money directly until you speak to one of his Romanian Student Associates so the head can't get caught. The head of the department is also know for failing students purposefully so this individual can show they have the power to do so.
As odd as it may seem you have computers in Medical school. They teach you information technology such as Excel and Microsoft word. When it comes for examination time they will give you some difficult task to do in excel. But you choose it randomly. Unfortunately many people fail the test and in return they are asked for a 60 - 100 EURO bribe by the head of the computer department so you don't have to retake the test and fail again.
Cell Biology
All you do in this class literally every week is copy laboratory experiments from a powerpoint slide / also if you purchased the book for 4 EUROS the same exact slides are in your book. There is absolutely no interaction with the Student and the teacher. Just copy down the slides as soon as your done let me sign your notebook and you may leave.
It's a complete joke in this school. What I learned in biophysics is how a microscope can read a slide which is some what cool And how a blood machine reads blood. We learned how a blood machine reads blood, but we were given a Complex Mathematical Equation something only someone with a PHD in math would understand how to read. Literally stay in class for 1 hr take attendance. Good bye.
50 Percent is all you need:
Many of the teachers they strive to let students know 50% is all you need to pass. They make it seem as if it is okay. In reality if you are from England USA Canada etc and when it's time to take the exams that you need to take in order to be certified in your country as a doctor what will you do when 50 percent was all you focused on when passing these tests?
3rd Year
You better hope you know fluent Romanian by then because you will than be at the hospital speaking to patients.
I suggest you don't attend this University at all I know 100% medical school isn't this bad. Personally I think I learned more in secondary school. Ever since I came here I regret the decision and possibly looking for end medical studies after this year or try another university. Overall I think this is how Universities in Romania / Eastern Europe are. All i'm doing is protecting you guys from making the same mistake I did and preventing depression and regret for choosing this medical school or country.
If you are going to decide to go to Romanian / Eastern European Medical school and your from Western Countries I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU GO TO THE SCHOOL AND ATTEND CLASSES AS A SHADOW FOR 2 - 3 WEEKS BEFORE DECIDING YOU WANT TO GO THERE. Other than that I suggest on getting a Western Medical Education. It might be more expensive, but it will prepare you to be a doctor better than these Eastern European Medical universities would. I thing the westeren equivalent medical school would be if you studied in Romanian which isn't a good idea unless you know the language.
It is utterly horrible. These people the way they teach it seems like they don't even want to be there. They review 1 day out of the whole week and leave you in the darkness to study on your own in class. Not only that they give you endless amounts of paper work of medical topics that won't even benefit you on the examination ( If it does very little from the information you copied down from those pages). Pages of medical notes that you need to copy down into your notebook word by word. The school does not have enough money to provide you with a piece of computer paper, but they do have copy centers within the school that will gladly charge money for sets of notes. Not only that, but half of the time when you have to go to class some of the teachers don't even show up and don't notify you that they won't be there. Usually this wouldn't occur for the main classes like anatomy, biochemistry etc. Other issues if you are absent from a lab ( another way of saying a class like anatomy or biochemistry typically 3 hrs ) if you don't go to that class within that week with some other group you are expected to pay 24 Euros for wasting the teachers time. In other words even if you paid your tuition your required to pay if you are absent unless you have a medical note. Medical note or money no other reason will save you. Talking about money moving on to tests. Roughly there are 2 tests per semester per class. After those 2 tests is the final examination. Let's say you failed a test. Upon retake you need to have a payment slip for 24 EUROS in order to retake the test because you essentially wasted the teachers time the first time. Some classes are 2 hrs so 8 euros per hr. Another problem under Anatomy there is embryology. Embryology is something you have 2 classes in a semester. If you were absent for the embryology test and had a valid reason such as a medical note it is deemed as a try. Than you have only 1 chance left. If you fail that time you can no longer take the test and the next time you can retake your test is in June. When you have all your second semester examinations and in a way setting you up for failure to failed one or more examinations. On top of that since you didn't pass that Embryology test you are automatically deemed ineligible to take the 1st semester Anatomy exam. and you have to take that test in the summer as well in June.
Racism / Bribes / Class Issues :
The head of the Anatomy department know to take 1,000 Euro bribes. He will pass you for the entire years exams and tests if you give him that money. Doesn't take the money directly until you speak to one of his Romanian Student Associates so the head can't get caught. The head of the department is also know for failing students purposefully so this individual can show they have the power to do so.
As odd as it may seem you have computers in Medical school. They teach you information technology such as Excel and Microsoft word. When it comes for examination time they will give you some difficult task to do in excel. But you choose it randomly. Unfortunately many people fail the test and in return they are asked for a 60 - 100 EURO bribe by the head of the computer department so you don't have to retake the test and fail again.
Cell Biology
All you do in this class literally every week is copy laboratory experiments from a powerpoint slide / also if you purchased the book for 4 EUROS the same exact slides are in your book. There is absolutely no interaction with the Student and the teacher. Just copy down the slides as soon as your done let me sign your notebook and you may leave.
It's a complete joke in this school. What I learned in biophysics is how a microscope can read a slide which is some what cool And how a blood machine reads blood. We learned how a blood machine reads blood, but we were given a Complex Mathematical Equation something only someone with a PHD in math would understand how to read. Literally stay in class for 1 hr take attendance. Good bye.
50 Percent is all you need:
Many of the teachers they strive to let students know 50% is all you need to pass. They make it seem as if it is okay. In reality if you are from England USA Canada etc and when it's time to take the exams that you need to take in order to be certified in your country as a doctor what will you do when 50 percent was all you focused on when passing these tests?
3rd Year
You better hope you know fluent Romanian by then because you will than be at the hospital speaking to patients.
I suggest you don't attend this University at all I know 100% medical school isn't this bad. Personally I think I learned more in secondary school. Ever since I came here I regret the decision and possibly looking for end medical studies after this year or try another university. Overall I think this is how Universities in Romania / Eastern Europe are. All i'm doing is protecting you guys from making the same mistake I did and preventing depression and regret for choosing this medical school or country.
If you are going to decide to go to Romanian / Eastern European Medical school and your from Western Countries I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU GO TO THE SCHOOL AND ATTEND CLASSES AS A SHADOW FOR 2 - 3 WEEKS BEFORE DECIDING YOU WANT TO GO THERE. Other than that I suggest on getting a Western Medical Education. It might be more expensive, but it will prepare you to be a doctor better than these Eastern European Medical universities would. I thing the westeren equivalent medical school would be if you studied in Romanian which isn't a good idea unless you know the language.