Channel: ValueMD Medical Schools Forum - Romanian Medical Schools
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Applying to Medical School in Romania

Hello everyone..!

Is anyone here as a member of this forum, is looking for applying to Medical School in Romania?

If so please share info (you may also contact me in private)...
I am a little confused with dates, deadlines and requirements needed to apply.

So, if anyone thinks of applying - please share the process. :)

Thanks very much, in advance.

Constanta fee

Dear All,

Tuition fee in Constanta is 5000 euros now. Admission deadline is 15th July but we have an extension to the deadline. Original Documents are required to be submitted to the University for the application.

Guys if you are interested, you can contact me at alex-ovidiu at hotmail dot com and i'll take care of you with very reasonable charges.
Good luck to all the Applicants.

Lucian Balga IN SIBIU !!!!!WHats wrong with you

This medical university in sibiu;lucian balga...why doesn't anybody prefer it??,i checked their website there isn't much information for foreign students!! is there even a english course in general medicine ??and is it like hyper corrupt??there must definitely something about 'em!!!:crazy:

How Important is the High School Biology?

Hi everyone,

Long story short, I'm living in the U.S and I'm thinking of applying in 2013/2014 for Cluj Dentistry. However, I haven't taken any Biology in high school. After that I did go on to get my bachelor degree from a good University. However, I really want to become a dentist which is not possible now in the states. I have above 60% marks in high school in Physics and Chem and thinking how I graduated with a degree in Biology, I should be OK. However I don't know. Do you think that the ministry and the schools will be very hellbent on my high school transcript not having Biology in it?

University Apollonia Iasi

How is the university of Iasi: Apollonia? Is somebody attending or knows this university?

NERVOUS TIMES constanta to announce letter of acceptance on 24th

Well i checked the official university website of ovidus CONSTANTA,and it says for medicine the letter of acceptance would be given on july 24!!i mean the admission list is gonna be out by 24th!!..so thats it i guess ,we will all know it that day!!and well i wish all my friends(almost everybody on value md who get on here)luck on 24th...ok for now see yaaal;):eek:

I'm red-green colorblind.Can I apply to medical schools in Romania.

I'm red-green colorblind.Can I apply to medical schools in Romania.

is Getting a General Medicine degree in Romanian better than the

is Getting a General Medicine degree in Romanian better than the english one...OR IS IT JUST A WASTE OF TIME LEARNING LANGUAGE ,well im aged 19..and i would appreciate anyone's advice on how to frame things up as im confused in choosing the english or the romanian programe

Study medicine and dentistry in romania.

hey guys times running out for admissions at iasi university of medicine and pharmacy deadline for applications is 15 august. wel uni is great i just finished medicine here teaching is good..living is not so expensive 2 room apartment wil cost u 200 to 300 euros a month....tuition fee for uni is 5000 euros. if interested do email me studyiniasi at yahoo dot com

gd luck wid ur admisions :)

Am Being Gang Stalked, Mobbed and Harassed at Oradea Faculty of Medicine/ Romania

this is only a small part of my sad story with GSandEH.

I am french originally african. I was a medical student in Romania. I was forced to stop my studies due to a serious problem that i am trying to understand because untill now all seems to be a nightmare.

I started the first year of medical studies in Oradea, a small town near the Hangarian borders. it was in 2009-2010. i used to live in france befor that time. My problem have started at the first year with some problems with other students in the english section. A student from the upper classes who was also the head of the students association tried to have my attention but i was not interrested. He tried many times even through my facebook (i dont have one anymore) but i always refused him. He then decided to destroy my life as a result of his revenge. As he was very good in computers and the new technologies, he hacked, destroyed my computers, stolen my mails, skype conversations, tapped my phone. I was receving strange and threating messages through my computer and my phone , they say that all my conversations were going to be published. He entered in contact with everybody with whom i had had argues in the past (most of them were members of the students association). Together, they turned my life in a real hell by using the mobbing method. I had many friends, a very good social life inside and outside the school. They destroyed all that by spreading rumors and lies about me. People started to flee me, even those who never talked to me befor. I lost most of my friends. I tried to ask why some people began to be weird with me but i was labled as mentally sick when i asked. This psychological pressure went on for 3 year. I did not understand what was going on until the end of my third year. I knew that something was going behind my back but i didnt know what or how to deal with it! I talked to my best friends about all : the isolation, the rumors,the insults, the hacking, the threats, the vendalisme and the thefts of my belongs. I even met a psychiatric doctor who is also a teacher at the school, i told her my story. They all adviced me to ignor the perps and to continue my way. And this is exactly what i did but the perps never let me a lone. They wanted more than ruining my reputation, more than just isolating me.they wanted my complete destruction as a result of their hate and revenge. The pschological pressure was extreme. Every new single day there were new recruted and involved people. They were many and i was alone, who would beleive in my story ? I contacted the romanian police for the hacking and threating messages, i showed them the evidences (i took pictures of every thing). The police simply ignored me. I toled the police in france as well, they told me they could not do anything because i was living in an other country, they asked me to contact the romanian police. I met the romanian consul in paris who told me the same. I was totally lost and scared, i was not feeling secured in Oradea because the perps tried to murder me many times in the past. The head of the student (now former) already threated me by telling me that i was going to be sent to a Palliative service. One of their local friend tried to crash me with the car (i saw the driver s face), i was poisoned the day of my surgical semiology exam during 3d year, something serious happenned during my general surgery practice. In three years they managed to make me appear as the most hated person in my class, in the school but also in the small town. Their gang stalking method worked perfectly, they used all the destructive tactics against me but i stayed despite everything. By the end of the third year I finally found out bout the gang stalking crime and who was behind all of my sufferings. I then decided to talk to the former president of the students association. He was in the 6th year at that time. I took a friend of mine who was also in the same class as him. I put all in the table but he denied everything despite the facts, he also told many lies. I then decided to write a paper telling the truth and the lies about me. I distributed it at the school. The former president felt threated he called his best friend (who is a real criminal). His friend collected all my paper after my departure(as i was told later), they were afraid of the truth because they will appear as liars. They then decided to get ride of me, to end it all.
Then I left back to france for holidays doubting about nothing.
I came back to Oradea at the begining of october 2012 to start my the 4th year. Strange things started to happen in the second week of my arrival.I was terrorised, what is going on ? I made a lot of researches. I then found out about electronic harassment and gang stalking. I told the police of oradea. They had two solution for me ;
1- either to consult a psychiatric doctor.
2- or to transfer to antother school, i dont know WHY but they even suggested to help me with the transfer (they knew it was impossible as the year s already started and no transfer was possible).
I contacted the french consul who told me that they was nothing he could do. He adviced me to go back to france if i was feeling unsafe.
I then decided to go back to france for a while.
Since July i tried to get back to Romania as i have no choice, i have to finsh my studies. I applied to an other faculty but surprise : the school did all, told lies about the inscription paper to block me. They asked impossible papers (i think only me is asked this kind of papers), the gave a very shosrt time to handle them. I tried other faculties (also in Romania) the result is always the same. I understood then that i am not allowed to go back to Romania any more, that my name was given to medical schools, WHY?. I really dont know what is the problem. I am considered as a dangerious person in Romania but also in France but why ? No body can tell me. ! Is it because of my origins, my religion or because some people went to the Romanian police and told serious lies about me ? The Romanian and the French autorities are holding something serious about me and i dont know WHAT !.it makes me feel sik.
During these 3 years of medical studies in romania i spend a lot of energy, time and money, i left my only child to go to school but now my future and my life are destroyed for no raison. There is nothing more i can lose.
I feel so bad because i am treated as a criminal or/and a terrorist while the real criminals get away with their crime.
This is what gang stalking and electronic harassment can do to innocent people..

Here are the names of the criminals. strange cause all of them are members of the students association which means that they have a direct contact with GB the sociopath.

G Breitik : sociopath, hacker, hater,liar,chronic school failure,criminal using money to destroy lives.
S Sheikhit : best friend G, sociopath, liar, hypocrit, criminal
I Martin : knows nothing about medicine, jalouse with no personality. Rich dad is always there.
J Voumer :superiority complex, manipulated,stupid, can mobbed people even without knowing them
H Shabbi : inferiority complex, hypocrit, jalouse, born hater
S Banbouni : inferioity complex, jalouse by nature, knows nothing about medicine.
M Reiys Beit : jalouse, knows nothing about medicine, cheater

Of course there are many, many others recruted to harass people but all of them are just stupid manipulated kids that i ignor the names. They participated in this horrible terror because they were a farid of the heads of the stalking/mobbing crime.

Please inform everybody arround you about gang stalking and electronic harassment.


PS : the eternel hacker/sociopath will of course try to hack my accounts to prevent me telling the truth BUT i really dont care any more.

medicine in targu mures

can anybody tell me something about the english medical program in Targu Mures? Because I can't nearly find any information about targu mures anywhere. Or did anybody else applied there?

my process information ..non-eu applyin to romania

im just waiting and waiting i mean every time i call im asked to wait a little longer... im actually getting frustrated but i know thats not gonna help my mind..so im just waiting patiently....guess its worth a shot when you get to be a awesome doctor....
------------this is drake stallion(name changed)and this is my current situation ....stay with me ,feel me if you know what im being through..

Accommodation in Timisoara?

I am searching for flats/apartments in Timisoara on the Internet. But so far what I have found are monthly rent places for tourists. Are there any descent and helpful real estate agencies in the city dealing with students? I'm not looking for those who rip off people. Please provide the website link and no "this is my number, contact me, i can help you" replies. I want to check them out myself and see what they have to offer. In case there is a local advertisement magazine/newspaper about renting flats, please let me know.


acceptance letter from the ministry

does anyone know how long it takes to recieve the goddamned acceptance letter which is issued by the ministry? need that sh*t to apply for visa.
thank you

First Mediating Agency for Students in Romania

Hey guys

Hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to say that me and a few of my friends have started a facebook page all to do with helping uni students across Romania. As well as the tedious university applications process, we will be helping out with many things such as airport transfer, university registration, finding accommodation, a world wide courier service, Romanian language lessons and much much more.

Please like our page and if youre ever in Romania, whether as a student or visitor, do contact us!



Acceptance letter from Ovidus university :- faculty of medicine

Hey does anybody knows the deadline for ministry to issue acceptance letter.i have applied to ovidus university,constanta,romania long ago.i still did not receive my acceptance letter.any help will be appreciated.

Medical certificate in Bucharest or Constanta


Anyone knows where I can get a medical certificate for university studies? Bucharest or constanta, doesnt matter.


I want to start study THIS year medicine!! any agents.????????

Hi. I need a agency that can squeeze me into this year start of the medicine schools in Romania!

And yeah! I know im late when it comes to applying perhaps???

Anyone out there????

Please answer asap as the schools start next month!!!!!

And please there are lots of scammers out there so keep away. Im good at finding out such stuff!!!!!!

help will be much help will be much appreciated...

for instance You help me. I help someone else, and that "someone else" will help another one and the world will be a better place to live in ;)


have a great day!!!

transfer among romanian medical schools

Hey I wonder how I can find my original acceptance letter since I withdrawed my files from resent university and found out that they didnt gave me my original acceptance letter...does anybody know how i can get this document, becuase im actually planning to transfer into another university. I dont even have a clue how to sort this things out since I want to transfer and my univeristy actually the secretary made a lot of trouble for me- and didn't gave me my original documents. i wonder what the romanian law says about this but i feel that nobody in romania is following any laws.

Complaint on UMFT

Hello everyone.
I want to know the advice of fellow forum members here on my doubts. I would really appreciate if someone can answer these things.
To begin with, I've applied (Non-EU Medicine English Faculty) at UMFT Victor Babes for this academic year, but I've got rejected. Not just me, almost everyone from my country has been rejected. However, unlike them; I'm not on the bottom of the list. I'm on the 2nd position waiting list. I want to know why:-

1> The website says the seats would be redistributed to rejected candidates in the exact order if the accepted ones cancel/leave their seat vacant. 88 people have been accepted. It's highly unlikely for all of them to accept alltogether. Even if we assume that all the 88 candidates have accepted, why isn't the university uploading a CONFIRMATORY LIST on the same? How are we, the candidates, to know the position of vacant seats if any? How will we know if someone has indeed cancelled/vacated? Even Iasi has put up confirmatory lists saying candidates who have 'confirmed' their places. Why is UMFT not doing so too?

2> The website says 50 places for Gen. Medicine but 88 candidates have been accepted. Why this discrepancy? Also, I got to know they're trying to increase seats to 100; but no one has an idea regarding if the Ministry has accepted this proposal.

3> Out of 88, 61 Israeli candidates have been selected. Why are such a greater proportion of Israelis selected; not just in UMFT but also at other universities (if u check the list of Constanta..).
I have also prepared a statistics, hv a look at it and see if it's a fair game:
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